Bimex - consulting

Consultancy: Optimizing your purchasing management

Would you like to improve your company's purchasing management?

We can help - by applying the skills of our staff to your business.

Bimex Solutions' personalized advice is an advantage for your operational performance.

What we do for your business

For your growth

  • Establish and promote the “Purchasing” department,
  • Develop the skills of your buyers.

For operations

  • Manage projects,
  • Define strategies for your operational action plans,
  • Draft calls for tenders.

For your performance

  • Reduce your supply costs,
  • Save time spent managing your purchases,
  • Maximize your buyer's experience,
  • Share the management of your purchases,
  • Improve negotiations with your suppliers,
  • Design operational tools.

And your suppliers

  • Structure your directory,
  • Perform quality control,
  • Develop and consolidate your contracts,
  • Resolve disputes,
  • Search for new partners (local or international).

What we offer

We offer two ways of working with your company:


We carry out diagnostics and make recommendations to your supply team.

Our consultants provide operational methods and tools to improve the management of your purchasing activities.

Operational support

We strengthen your purchasing team with our staff, for a fixed period of time.

This gives you additional assets - skilled, equipped and committed.

Bimex Solutions - Consulting services

Why use our services?

Corporate supply and purchasing managers' strategic plans evolve every year.

The right purchasing strategy will help drive your company's development and growth.

To increase the company's operational efficiency, we need to review the methods currently in use.

Why choose Bimex Solutions?

Bimex Solutions is an expert in purchasing outsourcing. Its skills make it a partner of choice, thanks to its assets:

  • In-depth knowledge of the industry and purchasing processes,

  • A team of experienced negotiators,

  • Expertise in industry standards and regulations,

  • Discipline in time, task and inventory management.

Together, we'll make sure your projects succeed and your strategic objectives are met.

Bimex Solutions - Consulting strategy

Let's talk about your specific needs!

Every company is different, so let's meet to discuss your needs.

Together, we will define the scope of our partnership.

Contact us to schedule an appointment.